The first edition of the IPDC report was launched today during the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia. Introducing the IPDC Guidance Framework for member countries and setting out the challenges faced by deltas, coasts, and islands. The report also provides a solid base for the IPDC’s future activities.
The report’s launch comes a year after the launch of the IPDC during the UN 2023 Water Conference. The report offers a unified approach to discussing climate adaptation. It is also the starting point for the discussion between IPDC member countries. It includes best practices, as well as common enablers and barriers to implementing climate adaptation.
The report is the result of a joint collaboration between the IPDC Countries and demonstrates the IPDC’s commitment to facilitate knowledge exchange between its members and with the wider international community.
IPDC Guidance Framework
This IPDC Guidance Framework covers the process from the development of climate adaptation strategies to financing and project-based implementation. By providing comprehensive overview of best practices for a unified approach, and terminology in the domain of climate adaptation, the Guidance Framework streamlines communication and creates a common base for the different climate adaptation processes in the countries. The objective is not to standardise the process of climate adaptation but to ensure knowledge can be shared in the most efficient manner by communicating along the guidance framework.
The Framework offers a universal structure that aligns traditional policy planning and implementation cycles. As such, it helps policy makers to identify common challenges and tracking progress in climate adaptation.
IPDC next steps
The report aims to facilitate interaction between the member countries to collectively shape the way forward. Together with the recent IPDC conference, it serves as a stepping stone towards addressing key recommendations for future actions for the IPDC and its members to take, including:
- Promoting knowledge exchange by sharing practical experiences encountered during the planning, prioritisation, implementation, and financing of adaptation strategies and measures.
- Supporting member countries with the design of adaptation strategies and solutions, with a focus on the comprehensive perspective and intricate challenges that impede climate adaptation.
- Working from an integral and multi-sectoral approach on climate adaptation, taking into account technical feasibility as well as economic and financial aspects, institutional settings, social factors, and the natural environment for sustainable climate adaptation efforts.
- Raising awareness of the urgent need for climate adaptation, especially during planning stages. This can empower national governments and support partnerships with international financial organisations, thereby encouraging better conditions for implementation.
- Aligning with international programmes to ensure climate action is consistent with international best practices and is synergistic.
- Building capacity and offering training solutions to members.

The report was presented by the Dutch Government’s Special Envoy for Water, Meike van Ginneken. Many thanks to the IPDC members who attended the launch and received the report, including Egypt’s Mr Walid Hakiki and Indonesia’s Pak Leo Eliasta.