In July, the IPDC held a scoping exercise in Bogotá, Colombia. Our IPDC colleagues introduced and explored the context of both the IPDC and the IPCC.

Local conditions in Colombia’s main deltas, coastal areas and islands were also touched on. Following the plenary session, participants brainstormed key causes and impacts, and considered drivers and pressures.

Participants also compared current investments and needs for climate adaptation. Using a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), they identified key thematic areas that need to be considered.

Throughout the day, a number of priorities and key areas of interest for Colombia were also identified and discussed. These include:

  • Strengthening monitoring systems and ensuring staff are trained across a range of areas, including oceanographic, coastal morphology, and coastal erosion. This is important across the country.
  • Carrying out studies assessing the impact on model ecosystems as baseline information for territorial management, making sure that local communities are included and participate. This focus is especially important along Colombia’s Caribbean coastline and islands.
  • Establishing a participatory portfolio (with local communities) of nature-based solutions and implementing pilots for marine-coastal risk management along the Caribbean coastline.

It was an honour to be joined by Mauricio Cabrera, Viceministro de Políticas y Normalización Ambiental at the Ministerio de Ambiente y desarrollo Sostenible, and Marc Hauwert, Deputy Head of Mission at the Dutch Embassy.

Following the session, the IPDC team will draft three main projects that will be discussed in a second workshop in Bogotá. Those projects will serve as the foundation for the IPDC’s work in Colombia over the coming years.

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