On Monday 4 March, we hosted an online discussion in the run up to the IPDC conference, which will take place later this month. The online discussion reflected a range of voices and perspectives from youth, local governments and communities, and finance.
Messages from the online dialogue will be shared with conference participants, as we continue to work with members to shape the IPDC. Key takeaways from the discussion included:
- The importance of including youths in talks and solutions; they are the generations that will have to face the repercussions of climate change the longest. Youth-led initiatives should be driven by sharing information, raising awareness, and facilitating funding.
- Participation of local governments and communities is key in the implementation of solutions on the ground. A shared understanding and an evidence-based approach to adaptation will help locally-led adaption plans. Solutions and knowledge need to be developed – not just for research purposes, but also so they can be implemented at the grassroots level. Capacity-building and ensuring local stakeholders are seen as rights holders can help.
- To promote science-led action, data needs to be included across all levels, addressing data uncertainty and involving stakeholders throughout adaptation projects. Finding the means to acquire, preserve, and retain local knowledge can serve as a catalyst.
- Finance is crucial to climate adaptation solutions. To maximise the impact of climate action, financial uncertainty must be addressed. Regions with limited access to funding should be prioritized. Furthermore, the private sector can be part of the solution; with a different approach from the public sector, climate action can also offer opportunities for growth and business models.