What solutions and mitigation measures can be implemented to deal with the challenges of sea level rise in Egypt? To answer this question, 45 experts from across different organisations gathered for a four day hackathon, sponsored by the IPDC.

Guided by both international and local experts, three teams achieved evidence-based results on the impacts of sea level rise and potential adaptation pathways on issues such as:
- Water and Agriculture Under Sea Level Rise
- Coastal, Urban, and Infrastructure
- Health and Environment
Their findings were supported by results from the SFINCS, FIAT, and RIBASIM modelling software, and were discussed and calibrated during the hackathon. Some teams also set up and calibrated other models/data/methods, such as the saltwater intrusion model using EAWAT, detailed data on drainage pumping stations, DALYS, and more. The results are now being consolidated, and will be shared shortly, so stay tuned!
The hackathon was organised by Deltares, the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources & Irrigation and the National Water Research Center.
The IPDC was proud to sponsor the event alongside the Joint Cooperation in Applied Research Programme (JCAR), and the ECCADP project.